Friday, February 27, 2015

It's Happening Again...

All of my things are being assigned spots in boxes and suitcases, soon to be crammed into my small Toyota. I've acquired a few clothing items since I arrived, but I thought I took enough back to Chicago over the holidays to compensate... I'm not sure I was successful. I'll be shipping the three boxes back to the Windy City once I cross into the U.S. on Sunday, though, so I'll have a little more breathing room in the car.

My Life in Boxes... Again

It feels so along ago that I first packed clothes & personal items into my car. Well, it was seven months ago, so I guess that makes sense... but when I was leaving my hometown this journey felt so daunting. The drive I'm about to embark on is over twice as long as my last road trip, but having people along the way this time makes it feel manageable. Plus, there's that whole 'entry-into-a-foreign-country' thing that I don't have to worry about. 

What feels the same, though, is saying goodbye. I've spent the week in a series of walks, hikes, coffees, & drinks while visiting with friends. I spoke with my sister and she summed it up quite well, "I'm happy that you're sad." I'm happy that I'm sad, too. It's the best feeling I could have imagined those seven months ago when I began this journey. 

My first few days back in the U.S. will be tough, as my departure from Vancouver finally hits me. But I'm leaving under the best circumstances I could imagine... and frankly, feeling pretty proud of myself that I actually did the crazy thing I dreamed of doing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Graduation Day

I've done a lot of things during my five months in Vancouver, but by far playing and learning with these people was my favorite activity. On Tuesday evening we became the next group to complete the ICI Core Series at Vancouver TheaterSports League.

T-Shirt Love

My brand-new, shiny t-shirt will accompany me on my journey as a reminder of not only what I accomplished, but the amazing people I've met along the way. Now if only I could fit them in my car, too...

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The One Where I Over-Analyze My Stage Performance

May 2014 in the Chicago Suburbs
My most recent student showcase at the Metropolis Performing Arts Center held such promise. As a group, our class had worked together for a few months and felt very comfortable playing with each other. So at the end of the term and in front of an audience we performed our 15 minute set of games & scene work. In those 15 minutes we received one laugh. ONE. 

Dejected, but united in our misery, we drowned & ate our feelings in the restaurant attached to the theater. We over-dissected our work and eventually threw our hands up in the air. It was a rough performance, but in the end we choose to use it as a team-building experience. (Hey, that perspective allowed us to sleep that night, ok?) The long-lasting effect for me, however, was a bad taste in my mouth for performing. We had done two showcases together and after the second performance it actually felt like we had regressed in our abilities. Improvisers always seem to have fun on stage... why wern't we?

CUT TO: February 2015 in Vancouver
Vancouver TheaterSports League held it's first ever student showcase. As students, we were encouraged to attend, drop our names in the bowl, and wait to see if we were pulled on stage. Thirteen of us showed-up, huddling nervously in the back row of tables. Luckily or horribly - depending on your perspective - the announcement was made that given the number of students present we'd all be able to perform, so get your ass on stage now!

My Ass on Stage

We played for an hour on stage, divided into two teams. I wish I had made stronger offers. I wish I'd come in with better characters - hell, I wish I'd used any characters. And, of course, I finally thought of a word that began with the letter 'Z' as soon as the scene ended. ...sigh... My performance didn't have as many strong moments as I'd hoped it would, but for the first time in front of an audience I had fun while performing improv. And that feels huge.

We returned to our pre-show huddles, complimenting each other's work while often being critical of our own. Our post-show high continued through that evening's Rookie League performance and spilled onto social media accounts. We couldn't shake the fun & happy from ourselves. 

I feel incredibly luckily that the timing of this event allowed me to participate. It's a wonderful way to start my last week in Vancouver and a hell of a high to end my trip on. And those student performances? Bring on the next one.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Before you ask, yes, all the exclamation marks in the title are necessary.

One of my favorite parts of Vancouver is not Vancouver at all - it's a small, recreational town an hour north. Squamish has changed quite a bit since my first visit in 2006. My sister and I hiked to the Center Peak of The Chief, beforehand stopping at a local Quizno's for a sandwich. The parking lot was more mud than pavement and crowded with trucks & logging vehicles. Now, Squamish is a busy little town complete with restaurants, breweries, and a thriving local culture. I'd visited multiple times these past few months, but wanted to take time and stay like a local for a few days.

I used AirBnB for the first time. 
Here's the view from 'my house' in the Garibaldi Highlands.

Downtown Squamish

Hiking along the Marina

Hiking around Alice Lake 

Beyond enjoying the view, I wanted to get out of my head for a few days before I have to dive into packing and the realization that my time in Canada has come to an end. So I took the opportunity to relax... I made popcorn and watched a movie, I read a book (an entire book!), and I spent an incredibly fun evening with new friends, who themselves had just recently relocated to this quiet, little mountain town. I visited the local Farmer's Market and ate breakfast in a local cafe.

Eventually, I found myself sitting in a parking lot near Hwy 99, my route back to Vancouver. I stared out the window at this little town and it's incredible natural surroundings, and realized that this would be my first 'good-bye.' It's a town, I know, but Squamish has always been a happy place. It was a highlight on my list when I was relocating to Vancouver and each time I visited I'd call my sister, trying in some way to share the experience with her. Now I was leaving. Soon this lovely place would be much farther than a one hour drive north. We would be separated by multiple states, mountain ranges, and a national border filled with intimidating Canadian Customs Officers. And I was heartbroken.

After a few moments I gathered myself and threw my car into drive, refusing to delay the inevitable any longer.

The Lovely Drive

Thankfully, I rarely have seen a more beautiful day to drive on the scenic Sea-to-Sky highway. I stopped at every pull-off point, hiked down to the water at every possible opportunity, and each time became more comfortable with leaving not only Squamish, but Canada as well. It's going to be a hard week of saying good-bye, but with this drive starting my trip south I can't help but feel positive about the journey ahead.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Lack of Oxygen

There are a few more hiking / outdoor adventures on my 'to-do' list before I leave Vancouver. Unfortunately spring has sprung here in the rainforest, which means my allergies have kicked into high gear in new and interesting ways.

Nevertheless, a friend and I went hiking to Quarry Rock in the small community of Deep Cove, about 30 minutes outside Vancouver. The view was worth it in the end, as you can see below, but the toll on my asthmatic lungs was fierce. 

Just scramble up rocks...

Cross a few lovely waterfalls...

- Two Hours Later - 

The Top of Quarry Rock

See that rocky ledge in the center of the picture? Above the sail boats? Hiked it!

I have a few more hikes on my list, but I've accepted that they'll have to wait for a later date. Spring allergies here are winning the battle in my respiratory system and I have no desire to test my travel health insurance.  It's not the note I wanted to depart on, but I also don't want to spend any time in a hospital.

Despite my set-back I'm still heading up to Squamish, B.C. for a few days. I won't be able to explore the outdoors as much as I originally planned, but a few days in a sea-side mountain community is never a bad experience.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Laughter is the Best Medicine

The universe is a comedian. If it wasn't, it wouldn't have given me an injury that affects my tolerance of light & noise the same week I'd be spending nearly every day at an improv festival. 

Last week I felt like I was living a double life. Daytime was spent in whiplash recovery, propping myself up with pillows so I could binge watch TV without turning my neck too much. Conversely, each night I'd pop pain medication and head to Vancouver TheaterSports League for the 27th Annual Massacre, where I'd laugh & learn until said medication began to wear off.

Massacre is an improv festival that functions as a tournament. This week-long event brings together different improvisers from cities around North America for showcases, workshops, and a general improv love fest.

In total, I spent five days last week watching, learning, and loving improv. It was an overload for sure, but it was an amazing experience that gave me a glimpse into the wonderful community that is improv theater.

It also gave me an excuse to hangout with our own community of students before I leave town. See how fun we are?

What I marvel at most about the week is that despite how uncomfortable and in pain I was each evening, my smile in the photos above is completely genuine. The stage lights, loud noises, and late nights would not have been recommended by a physician for my physical recovery, but I know I wouldn't have gotten through those days without it.

Thank you to Vancouver TheaterSports League for welcoming your students like family and gifting us an amazing week. Chicago - I'm headed your way and your legacy of training can not be denied. When it comes to community, however, you have a lot to live up to. Vancouver has set the bar for me. And it's high.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Belly Flop

British Columbia is beautiful in ways I've yet to encounter anywhere else. As my fellow 'temporary Vancouverites' and I approach our deadline for leaving, we've made lists of places we'd like to hike. Monday we ventured to Lighthouse Park, which features a beautiful view of the ocean & coastline, as well as multiple inland hiking trails. I'd been there before, but in sunnier & drier weather. The rainforest is beautiful no matter when you visit, but is most spectacular when enveloped in the gentle rain & mist it's known for.

After a relatively short hike into the park we reached the Lighthouse Lookout, which offers the best view in the area. Now, the trails are marked throughout the area, but they very often involve climbing over boulders or large rock formations. To get to the lookout, we'd have to climb our way up & over one of these formations. Since I had been to the area before and was wearing actual hiking boots, I took the lead and began making my way up the rocks. It doesn't matter how fancy your footwear is: mud-covered shoes and wet, mossy rocks are a dangerous combination. I took one step up the rock formation and slipped. Loosing my footing completely I landed - hard - belly down on a large rock.

The sound was so severe and distinctive of 'human-being-hitting-large-object' that hikers who had been leaving the area quickly returned to see if everyone was alright. As I found myself eye-level with moss, I took a slow breath and did a quick pain check... nothing. I moved my rib cage expecting sharp, stabbing jabs indicating a broken rib... nothing. I contracted my abdominal muscles and gently flexed my lower back, waiting for indications that I'd seriously pissed off my Chron's Disease... nothing. I stood up, took in my mud & moss covered jacket and did what everyone does when they fall - I laughed. I laughed my ass off. I waved-off the other hikers, thanking them for checking on me. My friend still stared at me in disbelief. We're both relatively intelligent people and knew that I HAD to have hurt myself somehow. If an injury wasn't presenting itself now it probably would be later.  ...but after a second pain check and some gentle prodding of my abdomen, we determined that luckily, thankfully, I hadn't incurred anything serious or deadly. Hell, my rib cage wasn't even sore. I had somehow landed only on the soft, squishy parts that I normally curse for not fitting into my desired pants size.  Way to go, lower belly fat. You saved the day.

We continued our hike and enjoyed the beauty of the rainforest for another hour and a half. (What? I said we're relatively intelligent) We arrived at the car and as I took off my wet & muddy outer layer my friend and I held our breath.... a few bending & twisting motions later and still no pain. Amazingly, I must be made of the same substance as those bouncy Superballs we all play with as children. Score!

Approximately 6:30 p.m. that evening...
Ouch. Big ouch. I awoke from a post-hike nap to a massive headache and neck & shoulder pain. My abdomen bounced alright - so much that it gave me whiplash. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather a sore neck was the outcome than a broken rib, but really... I fell so hard I gave myself whiplash? Who does that?!  Well, apparently I do. So I popped some Tylenol and canceled my plans for that evening.

The following morning...
Shoulder pain? Oh, yes. Neck pain? Moderate. Headache? Not as bad, but still present.
Abdomen? Feelin' fine.

Life Lessons: Always hike with a buddy; Don't underestimate how wet rocks are in the rainforest; The Pacific Northwest is trying to kill me. Supporting Evidence

Good times.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Whistler in Pictures

I've been struggling with how to properly share my trip to Whistler Village. At this point, I'm giving up on a narrative and have decided simply to post a few of my photos. People come for skiing and for the view... so enjoy a selection of both.

Whistler Olympic Plaza

Start of Skiing Adventures

They Kept the Students Away from Actual Skiers

My Fellow Skiing Student, Frank

Sight-Seeing Day

Two-Thirds of the Way to the Top of Whistler Mountain

Actual Skiers!

Natural Beauty Everywhere you Turn

View from the Gondola between Whistler & Blackcomb

My Hot Chocolate Came with a View

A Heck of a Place to Learn to Ski