Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The One Where I Over-Analyze My Stage Performance

May 2014 in the Chicago Suburbs
My most recent student showcase at the Metropolis Performing Arts Center held such promise. As a group, our class had worked together for a few months and felt very comfortable playing with each other. So at the end of the term and in front of an audience we performed our 15 minute set of games & scene work. In those 15 minutes we received one laugh. ONE. 

Dejected, but united in our misery, we drowned & ate our feelings in the restaurant attached to the theater. We over-dissected our work and eventually threw our hands up in the air. It was a rough performance, but in the end we choose to use it as a team-building experience. (Hey, that perspective allowed us to sleep that night, ok?) The long-lasting effect for me, however, was a bad taste in my mouth for performing. We had done two showcases together and after the second performance it actually felt like we had regressed in our abilities. Improvisers always seem to have fun on stage... why wern't we?

CUT TO: February 2015 in Vancouver
Vancouver TheaterSports League held it's first ever student showcase. As students, we were encouraged to attend, drop our names in the bowl, and wait to see if we were pulled on stage. Thirteen of us showed-up, huddling nervously in the back row of tables. Luckily or horribly - depending on your perspective - the announcement was made that given the number of students present we'd all be able to perform, so get your ass on stage now!

My Ass on Stage

We played for an hour on stage, divided into two teams. I wish I had made stronger offers. I wish I'd come in with better characters - hell, I wish I'd used any characters. And, of course, I finally thought of a word that began with the letter 'Z' as soon as the scene ended. ...sigh... My performance didn't have as many strong moments as I'd hoped it would, but for the first time in front of an audience I had fun while performing improv. And that feels huge.

We returned to our pre-show huddles, complimenting each other's work while often being critical of our own. Our post-show high continued through that evening's Rookie League performance and spilled onto social media accounts. We couldn't shake the fun & happy from ourselves. 

I feel incredibly luckily that the timing of this event allowed me to participate. It's a wonderful way to start my last week in Vancouver and a hell of a high to end my trip on. And those student performances? Bring on the next one.

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