Monday, August 31, 2015

Day One and Done

The first day back at work went well. Lots of paperwork and meetings, as well as a lovely lunch out with my department. The people are nice. ...I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Perhaps the 'other shoe' is my commute. I spent 7 hrs at work and 5.5 hrs getting there and back. I was just a few seconds late for my bus, my other bus and my train. Yes, I was that person scrambling to chase down public transit like I had left my phone / baby / donated kidney on the CTA. (Ok, technically I've never seen a donated organ on the bus, but I think we can all agree it's probably happened at some point. I mean, FedEx Letter envelopes explicitly say, "Do not ship liquids or blood." That means someone previously tried to ship blood. an envelope.)

In reality, my commute is temporary until I find a place in the city, which should shrink it to only an hour each way. Until then, however, I'm going to continue doing my best impression of this guy...

Here's to Day 2!

1 comment:

  1. I think public transit KNOWS when it's someone's first day of something. That way you'll be forever grateful on future days. ;)
