Thursday, October 23, 2014

Are You a Local?

On last night’s Haunted Vancouver Trolley Tour the guide asked the typical first question, “Do we have any visitors from out of town?” An obvious question that I no longer have an obvious answer to. Am I a local? Am I still a visitor? I have an address, a phone number, and a relative knowledge of the area I’m living in… does that make me a local? I don’t have a job here, but am spending money in the local economy... Does that count? Is there a severe weather season I must endure or a city-wide festival I must participate in to be considered a ‘Vancouverite?’ A new friend and fellow recent transplant had the happy encounter at a local coffee shop of being called a ‘regular’ by one of their staff. She was excited and I was excited for her… but is that all we’ll be? Regulars?

I don’t have an answer to that question. I do know that the next time I encounter someone who is new to an area I’m already living in that my response will be different. Instead of welcoming someone to the city with the typical, “Do you have any questions? It can be a confusing place!” I’ll offer to take that person to lunch and introduce them to a few people in town. Instead of telling them that a certain street festival is a lot of fun and that my friends go every year, I’ll offer to take that person with us. We don’t have to become BFFs, but making someone feel at home goes a long way. And at least, for a short time, they’ll get to feel like a local.


  1. Good one! Pretty sure you're not a local yet when you walk down the street smiling creepily, unless that's what they do up there, eh?

    1. Fair point, eh. That's not what they do up here!
