Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rocky Mountain High

This weekend was an action packed visit to Denver, Colorado for a family wedding. It was my first trip back to the States since I reached Canada, so I was anxious to run errands, fill prescriptions, and utilize the many gift cards I possessed and couldn't use this side of the border. (aka, shop for free) I visited with family, tasted local beers, toured the city, and ventured into Rocky Mountain National Park. (Pictures will be posted shortly!)

I'm actually having trouble wrapping my head around all of it. It was so wonderful to see my family. So many of my conversations and interactions here in Vancouver are with people I'm still forming relationships with, so they're mostly 'getting to know you' conversations where you never completely relax. You know, the ones where you ask the "What kind of music do you listen to?" and "What do you do for fun?" questions. It's part of the process, but it can be draining. It was so nice to feel comfortable again and it made it very difficult to say goodbye.

The visit had left me questioning my decision to leave Chicago and my friends & family. It's hard doing this alone, I won't lie. As I landed in Seattle and was again enveloped by the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, I began to relax. By the time I had landed in British Columbia, cleared customs, and 45 minutes later stepped from the Skytrain onto Vancouver's city streets, I was smiling. I smiled the entire nine block walk to my 'apartment'... which I now realize probably looked pretty creepy. But, oh well! I was happy. Happy to be in a city I enjoy and happy that walking onto those streets felt a bit like coming home. Finally.

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