Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Carry On

I'm overdue for an update, I know. It was just one of those weekends that was so full I honestly don't know where to start.

The majority of my weekend was spent here:

Ok, well, not at the soundboard (though that would've been fun too), but in the sound studio. I participated in a weekend-long intensive voice over class. Saturday we focused on commercial, Sunday on animation. I had the pleasure of learning from some exceptionally talented people, one of which was recently nominated for an Emmy. 

It took me all of Monday to digest the experience. This is something I've always wanted to try and I put an excessive amount of pressure on myself during the weekend. Heck, it was at the top of my "Vancouver Bucket List" Therefore, I must be perfect at it right from the start! Obviously that didn't happen. It can't happen. Sunday night I left a bit discouraged and emotional. I failed at the thing I've always wanted to be good at. 

Monday afternoon I received the recordings from our sessions. You know what? It wasn't horrible. I'm not going to win an Emmy, but for the first time out the gate it didn't suck. (No, I'm not posting the recordings.) Still deciding if I'll pursue it more... the feeling changes each day.

When I left the studio Sunday I was so much in my own head that I was nearly home before I realized I didn't have the radio on in the car. Yep, just me driving around Vancouver staring blankly into traffic. Not creepy at all. I love the radio, though, because sometimes it's complete randomness makes perfect sense. So I leave you with the song that came across my car speakers when I flipped them on... the scifi nerd in me smiled so widely that it was like the Grinch's heart growing three sizes.

Supernatural fans get it. 
They also get that I was listening to this while driving in the city the show is filmed in. 
So much nerd goodness!

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